Let's connect you to the solution
Get curated access to hardware innovation across climate tech, advanced manufacturing and IoT.
How we help
Get curated access to our pipeline of tried-and-tested hardware technologies to help work towards net zero.
Work with you to understand your strategy and challenges and partner with you to design and implement innovative solutions.
Ecosystem development
Collaborate with you to develop innovation precincts to enable your business and region to transform, thrive and grow.
Delivery of microcredential courses to upskill your workforce in emerging technology skills.
Access to pipeline of technology companies
Curated access to solutions tailored to your needs
Central concierge
Speed to execute
Upskill and transform your workforce
Expand your market knowledge
Why us
Investment in the outcome
Proven system
Physical facilities
Access to network and partners
Track record
Senior, specialised expertise
Case Studies
What companies would benefit?
We support a range of companies including private companies, government agencies and bodies (local, state and federal), listed companies and small to medium enterprises - across all sectors.
If you have more questions, please reach out to contact us via or via the contact form.
The Donald Horne Building, The Melt Modern Manufacturing Centre, 140 Bridge Street, Muswellbrook, NSW 2333